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Spiral-wound lining method

This method is based on the principle of an extruded plastic profile with high ring rigidity. PVC or PE-HD profiles are used and wound to form a new pipe using a winding machine.

The edges of profile strips are connected positively and thus form a homogeneous and watertight piping system in the old pipe. An annular gap that is left after the procedure is filled-in with a suitable filler material.

The bottom of the shaft must be adjusted to accommodate the winding machine. Insignificant bottom sills or settlement depressions are evened out. The spiral-wound lining method is suitable for a variety of diameters, shapes and pipe materials.

Additionally, the installation can be implemented with no or minimum earthworks depending on the system and the diameter with and a site pre-flooder (up to approx. 25% of the pipe cross-section) in the pipe.

In the event of the classic spiral-wound lining with annular space, the wound pipes are customized on site to the required cross-section. For the version without annular space, the wound pipe is expanded after or during its introduction so that it has a close fit position the the existing pipe.

Fields of application:

  • Non-pressurized pipes
  • Sewerage and industry
  • Suitable for all pipe materials
  • Dimensions between DN 150 mm and DN 3000 mm (depending on system and nominal dimensions)
  • Circular, oval and square profiles possible (depending on system and nominal dimensions)
  • Installation length: up to 200m (depending on system and nominal dimensions)
  • Rehabilitation of slight bends possible (depending on system and nominal dimensions)


  • Flexible application
  • Depending on the system the installation can be implemented with simultaneous water drainage (up to approx. 25% of pipe cross-section). When filling the gap, the receiving water must always be secured.
  • Installation is possible via existing shafts; depending on the system and the shaft situation the removal of the cone or a trench can be required.
  • Stability can be restored with annular space and corresponding drift even in the case of old pipe category III.


  • Certain systems or nominal dimensions require temporary shaft reconstruction to allow for the equipment access (winding machine).
  • The version with annular space involves significant reduction in cross-section.
  • In the case of ground water ingress preliminary sealing is required.
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